When people meet me, they always tell me that I’m very smiley. I think that’s one of the first things I convey: confidence and calmness. Besides, I’m very geeky. Put a book, record or series in front of me and I’m happy. I’m up for anything that you can do at home or somewhere quiet, partying isn’t my thing.
I’m very good at listening and giving advice, although maybe I should consider following my own advice from time to time. If you ever need someone to defend you in an argument, call me, I improvise very well, I’m not shy about expressing myself and I never lose my patience.
I’ve been studying music since I was little. I started playing the piano and the accordion, which was almost bigger than me. Now I’ve adopted two guitars and two ukuleles at home. I could put together an orchestra all by myself.
Two of my favourite things in the world are my cats. Well, except when they run through the hallway at 4am, or when they come to bite my feet, or when they open the wardrobe to sleep on top of my clothes and leave everything covered in fur.